Sommet en ligne – Le futur de l’apprentissage

A cause du Coronavirus, le Sommet du numérique qui devait se dérouler à Montréal se passera désormais totalement en ligne.

Voici l’une de mes présentations:  Le futur de l’apprentissage, sous forme vidéo.


La classe de l’avenir

La liste des demandes aux enseignants est longue :  il y a l’intelligence émotionnelle, la littératie, les mathématiques, l’évaluation, le sport, les sorties scolaires, l’intelligence artificielle, l’environnement, les devoirs, préparer nos élèves pour des emplois qui n’existent pas encore et j’en passe.  Comment y arriver ?  Avec une grande mission thème, comme l’exemple de trouver la vie extra-terrestre sur la planète Mars, on vous invite à explorer le numérique avec plusieurs technologies intégrées de façon cohérente.  Nous verrons principalement comment nos connaissances peuvent rester actuelles avec Twitter, tout en intégrant ce qu’on a appris en utilisant la programmation avec Hopscotch et la prise de photo infrarouge, pour obtenir la classe de demain, aujourd’hui.

Présentation Prezi


Notes de la présentation:

la cohérence avec le numérique-1mme63f



coherence with digital-14acpkf


The list of demands to teachers is long: there is emotional intelligence, literacy, mathematics, assessment, sports, field trips, artificial intelligence, environment, homework, preparing our students for jobs that do not exist yet and so on. How to get there ? With a great mission theme, such as the example of finding extra-terrestrial life on the planet Mars, we invite you to explore the digital world with several technologies integrated in a coherent way. We will see how our knowledge can stay current with Twitter, while incorporating what we learned using Hopscotch programming and infrared photography, to get tomorrow’s class, today.

Think visually with an infrared camera


Think visually with an infrared camera



Thinking visually with an infrared camera

Microscope digital



Innovation à partir du microscope digital avec Hopscotch


microscope digital


Translation of the Notes:

digital microscope



Présentation avec Popplet


Popplet is a software to create graphic organizers.  It works with a computer and on the iPad.  It allows students to clarify, organize and deepen their thinking.


Prezi:  Approfondir sa pensée avec Popplet.


Texte de la présentation:




Facilitating creativity by coding with Hopscotch 3.0


Facilitating creativity by coding with Hopscotch



Faciliter la créativité en codant avec Hopscotch




Facilitating Creativity By Coding with Hopscotch

STAO paper presentation:

Code scientific developments with Hopscotch



L’enseignement d’une langue seconde en intégrant les TIC

L’enseignement d’une langue seconde en intégrant les TIC

enseignement langue seconde

Enseignement d’une langue seconde en intégrant les TIC:  Hopscotch, caméra à infrarouge FLIR, Padlet, ComicStrip et ExplainEverything.

Prezi complète:



Computer Science is not only coding

The above article from the Huffington Post is quite right.  There is a lot more to computer science than coding.  The following classic cartoon shows it quite interestingly.



A language classroom would be a very good place to model computer science.

1- Understanding the problem.

We need to understand what needs to be designed, why, the benefits and drawbacks of a system.  Using technology, this step would first involves reading, listening, thinking.   Students could use Twitter or Instagram or Google to receive and search for information.

2- Analyzing the problem.

For a successful system design, we need to work in a larger group to understand all aspects of a system.  To be able to discuss to understand different perspectives and respond to them, Padlet is a good choice for class sharing.

3- System design

Using Popplet, students could show their thinking regarding how they plan to solve the original problem that was discussed.

4- Programming

Using Hopscotch, students code and debug their program

5- Documentation

With ExplainEverything, students document their system, from understanding the problem to analysis to system design, and coding.

6- Promotion

With Prezi, students can present the highlights of their system to a group of people to promote or do publicity for their product.   It could also be done remotely through a blog, like kidblog.

This would model better the process, computer scientists need to go through to design entire systems.   It does involve more language, more talking and is very well suited in a language class.