What is your vision of technology integration?

Many groups, companies, organizations have an educational aspect to their work. From Ecole Branchée that specifically helps teachers with technology integration in schools.


Others provide a central location where current education initiatives are documented and shared on the Internet.





Others provide a central location where new ideas can be shared and people can connect to share innovative ideas, from TWITTER,  to TED talks available in several languages, to AlJazeera that provides so many programs about ideas to become a greener planet.  AlJazeera also provides news but is also engaged in providing the world a critical view of current events, providing an alternative view. The Listening Post for example could be thought of as a course in critical thinking. There is also the WISE initiative. ” WISE is an international platform for innovation in education that nurtures new approaches, recognizes and supports successful initiatives”.





The use of technology has shown that it can prevent drop out in school and encourage learning everywhere, all the time. It can help those disadvantaged by providing innovative ways of learning and expressing themselves.  For example, student with a learning disability who is not able to write but is strong orally can record his voice on VoiceThread or Audacity.  Challenging writing assignments can become much more engaging when using a cartoon format like like BitStrips for Schools or StopMotion animation with LEGO figurines.  Even reading becomes much more interesting with the large variety of resources on the Internet.

All that is wonderful but I am thinking that without a good global vision of integration, many efforts will be wasted.  The following TED talk by Ian Goldin explains this very well.


“The future is very impredictable. The best minds, in the best institutions generally get it wrong, ” politics, and financial institutions included.  Globalization and I can add technological integration has not been inclusive.  Globalization, coming together brings a new renaissance.  Being inclusive is very important as in a few years “those left out will have the capacity to destroy the planet.”  The xenophobic ideas of today will be irrelevant as there will be massive migration in our “WAR on talent” to solve our problems.  Having this in mind, I think it is important to know and formulate a good vision of technology integration.

I like the Peel Board’s Vision for 21st century learning with the focus on inquiry, understanding and connecting to the world, using technology as a basis to do so.  It is really an excellent vision.


My practice is always changing as a result of learning with others and reading about ideas from all around the world and sharing those ideas with my students.

Since I teach French Immersion, I am looking at resources in both French and English.  I have been sharing recently on Twitter the radio program Années Lumières that provides inspiration along those lines.  It is a science-based program that provides current science, technology and education current events.  The hook I had with this particular program is when I heard the host talking about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).  Looking at it further was quite inspiring.  It searches and discuss with young University students. They explain their research subjects, their passion and ambitions for science, all in the French language.


Another project I have this year is to improve my teaching of coding.  Using Hopscotch on the iPad, SCRATCH on the computers and SCRATCH with Arduino for robotics.  My reason for doing so is that so many things are done with computers and computer and software engineers are in short supply.  Learning to code is an important and missing part of computer integration.  I like BlackGirls code idea.  Giving the tools to young disadvantaged people the chance to find employment and respect.

Keeping in mind the goals of the United Nations and our character attributes while implementing our technology integration is important to me as we want to promote good and equitable practices.






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